Who is 66HUNDRED

[66HUNDRED 六 千 六 百]


Rhys Foley, Known for his work as 66HUNDRED, a mixed media artist based between Hong Kong & London.

Self taught, his background in graffiti/ street art (mainly vandalism if he is completely honest) and Tattooing has had a huge impact on his style and approach to art in general.

Obsessed with detail and mastery of disciplines, 66HUNDRED's work plays with digital painting, sculpture, graffiti and other mediums to pay homage to the great artists of the past while utilising modern techniques.

Rhys belives we've see the rise of sub-standard, repetitive, commercially-driven art, fuelled by clicks and shares; patronising us with "subjectivism".

In response, 66HUNDRED emerged to counter this narative by crafting work intended to stand the test of time, to help us relearn the appreciation of craftmanship and to make art accesible to all.  



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